J a r d i n W h i t e
Estate Grown and Bottled at Bellview Winery Outer Coastal Plain, NJ
The Jardin White is made from a blend of Cayuga and Aromella grape varieties. Cayuga is one of the signature white grapes of the Mid-Atlantic region. In the hands of capable growers, it can produce serious wines with lovely citrus and stone fruit flavors. Aromella, developed on the East Coast, gives the wine an elegant floral freshness. The sandy soils of the Outer Coastal Plain of NJ provide a lovely balanced acidity and texture. There is just a touch of French oak for polish.
Bottling Statistics
pH: 3.63
TA: 6.51 g/L
Alcohol: 12.7%
Residual Sugar: 0g/100ml
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Jardin Red
The Jardin Red is a made from a blend of Cabernet Franc, Chambourcin and Blaufrankisch. Chambourcin is the signature red grape of the Mid-Atlantic region.

Jardin Rosè
The Jardin Rosè is made from a blend of Cabernet Franc, Chambourcin and Vidal Blanc. Chambourcin is the signature red grape of the Mid-Atlantic region